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This coaching package is offered exclusively to paying participants of Nettie's 12 Week Training Program.  Regardless of when you purchase it, it will expire when the challenge end when the current program you're taking part in ends.


If you don't purchase this coaching, you still receive access to group coaching via Instagram along with your 12-Week Challenge program access you paid for.


This 1-on-1 Coaching package grants you private coaching from Nettie via text message.  You must reach out to her via email or text message upon purchase of this product to access your service.


In purchasing this coaching package, you confirm you have read the listed risks below, and consent to releasing Janette Withrow of liability to any harm that may come to you or someone else due to your participation in this program.

1-on-1 Coaching with Nettie for 12 Week Training Block

  • In purchasing one-on-one coaching with Nettie Withrow, I acknowledge that I have read and understand all of the following terms and conditions:

    • The training I will take part in is not a medically supervised program and is designed for healthy people with no medical conditions or risks, either physical or psychological. I represent that I am in good physical condition and have no medical reason or impairment that might prevent me from participating in this training program. I understand that the program I will take part in involves the risk of injury, whether I or someone else causes it. Risks may vary from one activity to another and the risks range from minor injuries to major injuries, including catastrophic injuries and even death. In consideration of participating in the activities that apply to the program given to me, I understand and voluntarily accept this risk and agree that my trainer will not be liable for any injury, including, without limitation to: personal, bodily, or mental injury, economic loss or any damage to me, my spouse, guests, unborn child, and/or relatives resulting from the negligence of my trainer or anyone on my trainer’s behalf, related to exercise or not.
    • I am required to purchase certain materials at an extra cost depending on which programs I decide to participate in.
    • Nutritional supplements and specific foods will be recommended as part of the program and will require an additional cost if I choose to purchase them, but are not mandatory for taking part in this program. I also understand that these supplements and foods come with additional risk and I am expected to only consume them once my physician has cleared me to do so.
    • The training program that I will take part in is designed to help people achieve their fitness goals by altering body composition through the application of resistance and/or bodyweight training, cardiovascular training, and proper nutrition. The training program I will take part in focuses on changes in body composition and visual improvements, not weight loss.
    • My trainer (Janette Withrow) will provide me with my fitness goals and the components of fitness necessary for me to achieve my goals, but my trainer is not held responsible for making sure I follow all aspects of the program. My trainer is also not held responsible for whether or not I reach my goals, regardless of how strictly I adhere to the program. In addition to providing scripted workouts and nutritional guidance, my trainer will observe my progress during the program and provide me: educational material, adjustments to my nutrition, and if needed, an update on changes in my program that will help me achieve my goal. Any adjustments my trainer provides to my programs are NOT 100% guaranteed to help me achieve my desired results and also come with the risks listed earlier on this page.
    • I understand that this coaching service expires at the end of the 6-week challenge period, regardless of when I pay the fee.
    • I understand that this coaching service provides communication with Nettie Withrow via cellular text messaging and email, but she is not obligated to respond to any phone calls (whether audio or video), and she is not obligated to respond to any direct messages sent to her privately via Instagram, Facebook or any other messaging app.  Additionally, I understand that my coach is a busy woman and will do her best to respond within a few hours, but sometimes more time may pass before I hear back from her - that she is not ignoring me, just working on a structured schedule.
    • I grant Janette Withrow permission to use any transformation photos I send her during the duration of the 6-Week Challenge via email, text, or any kind of messaging system for public advertisement at any future date. 
    • The purchase of this service establishes a professional coaching relationship with Nettie.  She reserves the right to terminate coaching services at any point without refund if she feels I have overstepped a professional boundary.


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